I have never hosted such a big event before, and above all such a strange format. The event was to start at 12 PM but a few parents reached early than me! lol! it was exciting to see the office of Senra ! it was really an amazing view there. Proper sunlight / AC / enough space was just lit.
While everyone was still arriving slowly I began to setup the camera stands and beystadiums in place. After everyone arrived I explained the rules to all that a team of minimum two to maximum three was needed. all beyblades were to have no repeated parts. and there was to be a team captain who will choose three beys for himself and two beys for other two members each. teams were decided randomly and 30 minutes were given to each team to spend to decide their combos.
The kids took over meeting rooms and escape rooms to plan thier combos ! They were putting combos and parts discussion over whiteboards !
It was fun to see that kids were doing it with so much passion, making combos like sX.1.V !
I wasn't amazed I was bedazzled! When the 30 minute timer ended all the kids ran towards me with their combos.
there were 7 teams and these were the combos used.
The battles started and what i saw were a few combos to be dominating like the ah revolve combos and ah eternal , spriggan bearings were posing an amazing threat although they were no match for the Super CHO-Z spriggans and Valkyries, Valkyries showed off so much power at the event that it was really scary but beys like Legend spriggan , requiem and archer Hercules were really taking good amount of that damage, Nightmares were there but bladers did not seem to have a good skill cap to use them.
One of the shocking battles I had was against the ah 7 cross revolve combo which OSed my Ah Outer eternal combo. It kind of went under my outer disc making it off balance.
OCTA was the major threat of the event and even my bearing was not performing very well against it, but all my launchers were skipping so can't be sure if it was due to that.
There was one bey in particular that performed really bad ! GEIST FAFNIR , there were 2 of the geist in the event one was on nothing and other one in my deck on atomic but it wasn't out spinning at all. In fact a drain Fafnir on orbit beat it pretty badly . and my team mate who had it was using it for most matches it looked like it was gonna out spin but at the end it just stopped bluntly. what a shame really. all that hype for nothing.
one of the more amazing battles was between the legend spriggan on unite against hell salamander on atomic which ended in a fabulous burst finish
We also had amazing pizzas at the event and awesome food which delighted us all by the courtesy of SENRA CEO Ali Who is father of @LegendaryThunder
brownies, chips, nachos, biscuits we had it all!
during the finals we had a rule that the participants can only keep 3 for the entire team beys with no repeated parts and it was an unexpected turn the teams were not ready for.
they started running into rooms and @Sagar Shahi borrowed my wall frame and outer disk. to use that on revive phoenix to make it super LAD combo. Two final teams the dragons and dark bladebreakers were really into it
finals were so intense and therefore the rules. The battles were upto 7 points. and the captains had a choice to switch or continue the players. So let's say if the captain was playing first battle he could choose to stick for battle 2 but he would then be forced to change after it for third battle.
bladers took amazing advantage of it. It got so intense that both teams were shaking and dropping their beys and accessories all over . With all the rest of the players now turned audience started hooting and shouting for the combatants. It felt amazing and I don't even have words to describe that.
The tournament ended by @addyaustin out spinning hell salamander on atomic with his cho z Valkyrie on destroy dash. He bursted into joy and straight away hugged his little team mates! DARK BLADE BREAKERS HAD WON
it was a sight to see a sight to cherish. I felt so contented with this tournament that I have never been before , If i am to raw a patronus like harry this will be always my moment!
I thanked all the participants for joining and distributed the amazing IBA trophy and certificates.
everyone seemed so happy.
It really was a dream come true from where i started .
never stop.
Your host
Yogesh Kalyana
watch the full tournament 1 HOUR FOOTAGE HERE :
đ€ speechless