So basically, I was having a discussion with my fellow Beyblade enthusiasts and we were divided on whether a 4 star disc is heavier or not than a disc of lesser stars. (E.g 1,2 or 3 stars)
Turns out the stars don't matter at all for determining if the weight is heavier or lighter depending on the no. of stars.
Golden Outer with 2 stars weighed more than a Black Outer with 4 stars.
Black Outer with 4 stars-
Golden Outer with 2 stars-
As you can see above in the pictures, there is a clear weight difference. The 2 star golden outer disc actually weighs 0.33 grams more than a 4 star black outer disc.
Hence, we came to to the conclusion that it depends on the mould of the disc, not the no. of stars it has.
We then wondered about what do the stars actually represent? Maybe it helps in differentiating between two different discs if by any chance your opponent and you both are using the same disc ( In the meta game it is fairly common. As people generally use the same top tier parts)
But anyway more than that, we thought that there might be some stability differences. So to find out I tried a little experiment.
The Bey and parts used for this experiment-
Kaiser kerbeus Outer Revolve.
Used Golden Outer (2 star) and Black Outer (4 star)
Used Basic right string launcher. (Released with dual layers)
Standard burst bey stadium.
I used Kaiser kerbeus Gold Outer (2 stars) Revolve and launched it on it's own and clocked for how long it spun. I did 5 hard launches and it spun for an average of 1 min 23 secs.
I used the same combo but this time I swapped the Gold Outer (2 stars) for the Black Outer (4 stars) and launched this again for 5 times, hard launches as well.
This time, this combo with the 4 stars spun for an average of 1 min 27 secs.
I made videos of both the combos when they started to lose spin and became wobbly.
As you can see here-
Golden outer 2 stars
Black Outer 4 stars
As you can see there is some difference between the two when they destabilize.
But due to a better weight distribution overall the black outer (4 stars) had a better timing on an average than the golden outer (2 star) .
The 4 star disc had better stamina. Even if it was as miniscule as 3-4 secs, it was definitely present there.
P.S- I haven't done extensive testing and the results might vary if more rounds. What I have done gives us a rough idea of what 4 stars may be capable of.
For weight the stars don't matter as the main deciding factor is the mould variation.
For stability the stars do affect the combo to certain extents as shown by the extra few secs of spin.
A good chunk of the people in the Beyblade community tend to overhype the 4 star discs and the rest undermine them by saying that it doesn't matter at all.
In my opinion both are wrong. As there needs to be done more research and testing to back up these claims and support them with hard facts and evidence. Without them anyone can say anything. So I guess we need more testing to be done before we can actually claim that the 4 stars matter or don't matter.
Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts!