BB-2-F Victory Valtryek V2(Starter) or better Known as Victory Valkyrie is Attack type Dual Layer bey, In fact first of those. It debuted in India in the very first wave. Being Protagonist's bey, this has a lot to offer.
The Layer - Victory Valkyrie features three big smash attack wings and knight "Male version of valkyrie" as it's main features. Large extended wings makes it excellent choice for smash attack and Destrabliser combinations. However the wings are too recoily and may cause this. (Umm, This from G+)
To prevent this TT added 2 bars under the wings as an re enforcement, guess what, it will still break. Highly recommended to own the 2 bar mold in a quantity, it performs well in our limited format.
Forge Disc-Boost-This disc is too light weight to be honest, You may find them good for speed attacks, but meh.
The Driver is Variable
(image courtesy Beybladegeeks)
This Driver Features Rubber spikes that wear away along with time and increase speed while hindering stamina. The control will decrease in further stages of wearing. It can be used on heavier beys with a skilled hands successfully.
The Driver and Layer make the purchase successful. Though boost can be replaced with knuckle.
@yogesh kalyana @Blader ZX @renidage
Wow another one
Thanks to @renidage for the pics, Very helpful.