Cho Z Spriggan released as part of the Burst System as well as the Cho Zetsu Awakening System. It debuted with the release of the B-128 Cho – Z Customize set –Cho –Z Spriggan 0Wall Zeta’ on November 17, 2018.
==Description== Cho Z Spriggan is a Balance Type Energy Layer featuring 2 Axe like like Blades, which features faces on them which are meant to represent the Layer's Japanese namesake; Spriggans, monsters of Cornish Faery Lore, and the center of the Layer features a large double bladed ax, meant to represent the weapon of the anime's rendition of this Layer's beast. Being a Part of Cho Z/Cho Z Kakusei System, Cho Z spriggan features metal in center, making it heavier than most of the God/Evolution beys. Cho Z Spriggan Also Has Features twp Gimmicks, It can Dual Spin Like it's predecessor, Legend Spriggan and Spriggan Requim and being Part of Cho Z Kakusei system, It has Burst stoppers. Being Dual Spin Cho Z Spriggan Increase or decrease recoil base on Mode it's set upto, However due to fairly rounded Design, It's Only makes the bey diffenciable in Stamina or LAD based matchups. Because of this, it is recommended to set the Layer to spin opposite to the opponent to maximize Defense and Stamina potential as there is too little recoil for Attack potential. Cho Z Spriggan's Burst Stoppers are in form of 4 clip like structures, 2 for each spin direction, aided on either sides of the two blades, In order to prevent Burst in both spin direction. The Burst Stoppers Come in act, when The layer is launched fast enough to pull out the springs, in a postion where the clips slide to launcher prong slot, preventing the disc prongs go further in the slot to burst, making the beyblade burst resistant. The Springs' housing made to aid Stoppers, make the layer fairly thick, Giving High defence and stamina potential, as well central metal increasing weight. The Teethset is made of ABS plastic, unlike PLA os other Layers, As the Dual Spin teeth set is prone to wear out. However, Like other Dual Spin teeth similar to Spriggan Requim, Teeth wearing is still present, reducing performance drastically incase of slow launch, where Burst Stopper do not come in act. ==Overall== Dual Spin And Good weight distribution on the layer makes the layer versatile, and Burst Stoppers negligentes the risk of performance degrade after teeth wear. HOwever Due to less amount of metal in the center, CHo Z Spriggan in outclassed in terms of weight, but Versatile nature makes up for that. As Such, Cho Z spriggan Is not a Must have, still can be a Great addition to Blader's collection.
0 is a Core Disc released as part of the Burst System as well as the God Layer System. It debuted with the release of the B-100 Starter Spriggan Requiem 0 Zeta on December 28th, 2017.
0 Being the core disc released with Season BOss starter, Spriggan Requim, Features Extraordinary performance. The Core Disc 0 has been advertised as the Heaviest disc During Its release. However at the time of writing, 0 already has been outclassed by 10 and 00 in terms of weight.
In terms of performance, 0 has high centralised weight, making the Disc Ideal for Defence Based Customisations, As well High weight of the disk makes it Ideal for Attack.
0 also features Round perimeter and smooth edges, Creating high LAD potential incase of Frameless Customisations.
Due to High Centralised weight, 0 has unrivaled Precision, SUrpassing that off 7 and forge discs such as yell, giving combos such as 0wall/lift/Turn/Bump Bearing/Xtend+ Extraordinary Precision and Stamina.
Due to High Precision, weight and High potential,
0 is a must have for competitive player.
Wall is a Disk frame released as part of the Burst System as well as the Cho Zetsu Awakening System. It debuted with the release of the B-128 Cho – Z Customize set –Cho –Z Spriggan 0Wall Zeta’ on November 17, 2018. ==Description== Wall is A thick Disk Frame which features 8 sets of wall like structure around it's Round Perimeter. The "WALLS" on the edges Protrude downwards, which causes extreme risk of scraping, even wear and tear in form of Chipping. Wall, like most other Disk Frames introduced in Cho Zetsu layer system has gimmick, which in this case is Being Extremely Heavy. Therefore making Wall Heaviest disk frame at the time of writing, weighing around 4.1 Grams. ==Use IN Stamina/ Life After Death Based Customisations== Since Wall has extreme Scrape risk, It is usable with Drivers which offer less scrape risk and Higher Precision successfully. While Being Used with Destroy, Wall still has Risk of scraping while Stalling, Destroy may not be the the perfect driver to be used with Wall. However In disc-driver Customisations such as 0/00/10 WALL Bearing/Xtend+, Heavyweight of Wall combined with High Precision of Xtend+ Or Bearing Provides The Beyblade top Extreme Stamina in opposite spin matchups, while shape of the drivers reduces scrape risk. ==Overall== As Stated above, Wall features Highest weight of all disk frames, at the time of writing, making the Frame usable In All Attack, Defence and Stamina customisation, however with risk of scraping. However, due to High Precision it offers when used in 0/00/10W Br/Xt+ customisations, Disk Frame wall is a must have for Competitive player.
Zeta’ (Zeta Dash) is a Performance Tip released as part of the Burst System as well as the Cho Zetsu Awakening System. It debuted with the release of the B-128 Cho – Z Customize set –Cho –Z Spriggan 0W Zeta’ on November 17, 2018.
Like its predecessor Zeta, Zeta’ features an adjustable tip at a standard height with three settings; Attack, Defense and Stamina, akin to the Original Plastic Generation's Flame Change Base or Metal Fight Beyblade's Delta Drive Performance Tip. Unlike it's normal counterpart Zeta, Zeta' possesses a stronger, golden spring which increases burst resistance.
The Attack Setting features a rectangular flat tip, akin to Quake, albeit not slanted. Due to the surface area of this setting, Zeta’ will create a highly aggressive movement pattern with high speeds akin to Quake; however the rectangular shape makes Zeta’ incapable of maintaining a Banking Pattern as the corners of the rectangular shape grind against the stadium floor. Furthermore, the same corners will grind against the Tornado Ridge causing a severe reduction in Stamina making the setting ill-suited for both Mobile Attack and Tornado Staller Combinations. Finally, without the slant in the tip, Zeta’ is incapable of hopping and potentially creating Disk to Layer contact like Quake, which was already inconsistent.
The Defense Setting features a wide ball tip, akin to Massive, albeit without tabs. In theory, the wide ball tip would increase a Beyblade's Defense by having greater surface area and friction, however in practice, Akin to its predecessor Zeta, Zeta’ lags behind Defense and even Massive in almost every aspect. On previous ball Performance Tips such as Defense, tabs surrounded the ball to act as brakes by striking against the stadium floor at the cost of Stamina, due to the lack of tabs, the Defense Setting's KO resistance lags behind Massive which also had poor KO resistance. This issue is exacerbated by the surface area of the the Defense Setting as it will create a semi-aggressive movement pattern early in battle, bringing a Beyblade closer to the Tornado Ridge. Due to the aforementioned poor KO resistance, this will make a Beyblade using Zeta', like its predecessor Zeta, highly susceptible to KOs.
The Stamina Setting features a flat tip with a small protrusion in the center, akin to Fusion. When launched parallel to the stadium, Akin to its predecessor Zeta, Zeta’ will spin on the protrusion, creating a stable, Stamina-conserving spin. When knocked off balance by the opponent or launched at an angle, the flat tip will contact the stadium floor and create a movement pattern with the same speed as Accel before returning to balancing on the protrusion. While both Fusion and Accel have acceptable levels of Stamina due to their plastic construction, they lag behind Performance Tips such as Survive, Revolve and Atomic due to the flat tip and the lack of a free-spinning component. While the Stamina Setting can create and maintain a Banking Pattern better than the Attack Setting due to the round shape, it lags behind Tips such as Accel and Xtreme due to the center protrusion which can also break the Banking Pattern.
While Zeta’ is theoretically a highly versatile Tip with three different mode settings, in practice the alterations made to the tips of the Attack and Defense Settings makes them lag behind the originals. While the Stamina Setting may be an unchanged Fusion, all three of the original Performance Tips were already outclassed in today's metagame. Even with the superior spring, the burst resistance gained does not compensate for the mediocre performance of the three settings on Zeta'.
As such, Zeta’, like Zeta is outclassed by Trans and Xtend+. Therefore it is recommended for collection purposes only.
I hope you like this extremely long draft, It took a lot of time.
@FIREFIRE CPB @Blader ZX @yogesh kalyana
Also A Heads up to my bro @renidage for hte pics
Lit as 🔥 fire
Ok. Adarsh will soon update this on IBA wiki.
@renidage Put this on IBAbeywiki